RCE News

5 Adar 5780, 5 Adar 5780, 1 March 2020

130 European Youths Celebrate their Bar/Bat Mitzva

Boys from Germany, Spain, Ukraine and Russia celebrated their Bar Mitzvah and received Tefillin during an emotional ceremony on Thursday Feb. 27th at the Western Wall.

25 Tevet 5780, 25 Tevet 5780, 22 January 2020

Rabbi Reuven Elbaz, Head of ‘Ohr HaChaim’ institutions and a member of the Rabbinical Council, prepares for the 20th RCE conference

Rabbi Reuven Elbaz, Head of ‘Ohr HaChaim’ institutions and a member of the Rabbinical Council, will honor us with his distinguished presence and be one of the main speakers at the RCE conference celebrating its 20th anniversary in France. He has been dealing with Kiruv for 50 years.

Rabbi Levi Yitzchok Garelik, the Rabbi of the European Union Synagogue in Brussels, Prepares for the 20th RCE conference

Rabbi Levi Yitzchok Garelik, the Rabbi of the European Union Synagogue and the son of Rabbi Gershon Garelik, one of the RCE founders, reveals facts known by few about the founding days of the RCE and adds his opinion about the Centre today.

11 Tevet 5780, 11 Tevet 5780, 8 January 2020

The registration for the European Rabbis 20th Conference has begun!

The conference will take place in Paris on 16-18/03.
Hundrends of European Rabbi will participate, the Chief Rabbis of Israel and distinguished guests.

24 Kislev 5780, 24 Kislev 5780, 22 December 2019

75,000 Menorahs were delivered to Jewish communities in Europe

The RCE completed a special delivery of 75,000 Menorahs to 560 European Jewish communities. The distribution included a Menorah, candles for the entire Chanukah holiday and a booklet translated into several languages.

14 Kislev 5780, 14 Kislev 5780, 12 December 2019

Jewish Children sang ‘Ani Ma’amin’ at the unveiling of mass graves where Jews were murdered by Nazis

The graves were discovered by professionals combined by efforts of RCE and “Oholei Tzaddikim”. As heavy snow fell at an emotional ceremony in Kozova, the mayor gave Jewish community leaders a key to the local synagogue that has been closed for 80 years.

11 Kislev 5780, 11 Kislev 5780, 9 December 2019

Fascinating children’s workshops distributed in honor of Chanukah

Hundreds of Jewish children in Day Schools, Sunday Schools and afternoon clubs are discovering traditional content in honor of the upcoming Chanukah Holiday.

20 Heshvan 5780, 20 Heshvan 5780, 18 November 2019

Orthodox Jewish community recognized by Hungarian Government

The Hungarian government granted formal recognition to the Orthodox Jewish community. This is the first time that they will benefit recognition since World War II.

8 Heshvan 5780, 8 Heshvan 5780, 6 November 2019

course of Taharat Hamishpacha was held in Bratislava, Slovakia

The course was attended by dozens of Rabbanim from around Europe and the Former Soviet Union.
The Rabbanim visited the gravesite of the Chasam Sofer, and pledged to intensify Jewish activity among the youth in their community.

2 Heshvan 5780, 2 Heshvan 5780, 31 October 2019

First permanent Chief Rabbi appointed in Montenegro

A moving induction ceremony was attended by President Milo Jokanovic and Israeli Minister of Religious Services, Yitzchak Vaknin.

23 Elul 5779, 23 Elul 5779, 23 September 2019

Spare a Tear for Hashem

24 Tammuz 5779, 24 Tammuz 5779, 27 July 2019

Dozens of Europeans Rabbis Participated in a Professional Seminar in Zhitomir

The rabbinical delegation from the RCE participated in a memorial monument unveiling, the morning after concluding the professional Seminar. The monument was erected in the town of Sadigura nearby Chernovitch, where a mass grave with murdered Jews from the Holocaust was discovered.