One Day Before Border Shut- Down:100,000 Matza packages were distributed to European Communities
Each kit was professionally wrapped and packaged to preserve quality at arrival. The BASAD organization headed by Rabbi Yehuda Reichman assisted and executed distribution.

The Rabbinical Center of Europe and The European Jewish Association succeeded in distributing 100,000 matzah kits to hundreds of European communities in a complex logistic operation that lasted 24 hours straight. Each kit was professionally wrapped and packaged to preserve quality at arrival. The BASAD organization headed by Rabbi Yehuda Reichman assisted and executed distribution.
This particular operation has presently reached a new level. Hand-made matzah the size of kezayit will reach all Jews in the various communities of Europe. In order to expand the distribution of matzot, and reach as wide an audience as possible, the RCE and the EJA produced a customized package. The new and innovative pack presents a fantastic solution for rabbis and their communities. The Mitzva of eating kezayit Matza has become accessible.
On Sunday (March 15th), the RCE and EJA received information, that European countries were preparing to completely shut-down their borders within a day or two, due to the steep rise of the corona-virus epidemic. It was then decided to take immediate action and guarantee the distribution of all matzot to the various Jewish communities. Authorization and implementation were entrusted to RCE Deputy Director General Rabbi Yosef Bainhaker. RCE and EJA Chairman and Rabbi Menachem Margolin decide that albeit heavy expenses, all deliveries would be completed within 24 hours to guarantee arrival to all European destinations.
RCE Deputy Director General Rabbi Yosef Bainhaker orchestrated incredible emergency recruitment of employees, with the assistance of Rabbi Yehuda Reichman leader of the Basad organization, and all packages of matzos reached their destination.
RCE Director General Rabbi Arie Goldberg stated that recruiting the RCE staff together with Basad organization run by Rabbi Yehuda Reichman, guaranteed that the complex logistics operation would succeed. Matzah has arrived at the various communities and was very much appreciated.
Simultaneously, as every month, a children’s educational activity kit was produced about the month of Nissan and its special Mitzvot. Due to the situation we are experiencing at the present, the workshops have been adapted for home use so that even those in isolation or closure can use it. This allows the rabbis of the communities to provide interactive activities for the children in small groups.