RCE News

29 Iyyar 5784, 29 Iyyar 5784, 6 June 2024

The Fifth European Dayanim Conference Concludes in Antwerp

The expansion of cooperation and information exchange between Batei Din, preventative measures against the serious issue of agunot, matters of conversion, gittin and ketubot, and practical solutions for facing European courts are just some of the topics covered in the sessions, lectures, and decisions made at the Fifth European Dayanim Conference organized by the Rabbinical Centre of Europe. The conference featured dozens of Dayanim from Europe and Israel, nine sessions, and a special lecture by Rabbi Chaim David Weiss.

15 Iyyar 5784, 15 Iyyar 5784, 23 May 2024

Rabbinical Centre of Europe Initiative: Community Rabbis Participate in Halacha Seminar on the Jewish Home in Paris

Over fifty community rabbis from across Europe took part in the seminar held in Paris, France • Throughout the seminars, Rabbis, Dayonim, and Poskim delivered in-depth lectures

4 Adar II 5784, 4 Adar II 5784, 14 March 2024

History in Portugal: Most Rabbis in the Country Since the Expulsion of Jews

Rabbis from communities across Europe convened for three days of in-depth discussions on the latest kashrut challenges at the European Kashrut Conference by the Rabbinical Centre of Europe • Tears flowed at the inauguration ceremony of a memorial monument for the victims of the October 7th massacre in the new Jewish cemetery, the first to open in Porto since the expulsion of Jews

12 Tevet 5784, 12 Tevet 5784, 24 December 2023

Reducing Meat Prices in Europe: Rabbinical Centre of Europe Conducts Mehadrin Ritual Slaughter in Europe for the First Time

The shechita, carried out by a team of experienced and seasoned ritual shochtim, was closely supervised by the Vaad Hashechita, led by senior rabbis specializing in kashrut • This initiative follows the decision of the Rabbinical Council of Europe to work towards lowering the prices of kosher meat in Europe

9 Tevet 5784, 9 Tevet 5784, 21 December 2023

RCE Hosts Special Course in London on Arranging Chuppah and Kiddushin

Dozens of rabbis participated in the course in London organized by the Rabbinical Centre of Europe * Esteemed rabbis delivered in-depth lectures on these subjects

7 Tishri 5784, 7 Tishri 5784, 22 September 2023

Leaders of The Rabbinical Centre of Europe Embark on Chizuk Trip to Spain

Just before Yom Kippur, RCE leaders together with Rabbi Avraham Yosef set out on a chizuk mission in remote Spanish communities * Community heads warmly welcome the RCE leaders for their efforts despite the difficulties involved.

28 Elul 5783, 28 Elul 5783, 14 September 2023

120 European rabbis call to cease the use of Holocaust comparisons in order to describe regional political conflicts

Rabbis request to clarify in their letter that the Holocaust is the greatest tragedy in human history, and no government should use appropriate Holocaust terminology to describe this or any other political conflict.

20 Elul 5783, 20 Elul 5783, 6 September 2023

Dozens of leading Rabbis Condemn Armenian Leaders for Using Holocaust Rhetoric

A group of 50 senior leading European Rabbis have signed a joint letter condemning the leaders of Armenia for using holocaust rhetoric in its campaign against its neighbor, Azerbaijan.

1 Av 5783, 1 Av 5783, 19 July 2023

European Rabbis gather for the annual forum held by the Rabbinical Centre of Europe

The annual RCE forum was held in Hannover, Germany, in memory of the Rabbi and Chabad Shaliach of Hannover, Rabbi Binyamin Wolf, who passed away 3 years ago • Rabbis participated in fascinating lectures alongside in-depth conversations about the future of European Jews

15 Sivan 5783, 15 Sivan 5783, 4 June 2023

The ‘Rabbinical Centre of Europe’ announces: Special Beit Din to Be Established for Jewish Origin Inquiries

The Rabbinical Centre of Europe has informed hundreds of rabbis of the establishment of a Beit Din designated to ascertain the Jewish origin of those who wish to join the communities. The decision was the result of years of dealings with difficult issues relating to marriages, burials and more.

13 Iyyar 5783, 13 Iyyar 5783, 4 May 2023

Dozens of European Community Rabbis Complete a Course on Performing the Jewish Marriage Ceremony

The community rabbis studied the extensive and unique course over several months in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Rabbinical Centre of Europe

23 Adar 5783, 23 Adar 5783, 16 March 2023

Vienna Conference on Assimilation Among European Jews

Distinguished Torah scholars and Rabbis of Jewish communities from around Europe attended the conference on the 85th anniversary of the “Anschluss”, the annexation of Austria by the Nazis • A study commissioned by the RCE indicates that the rate of assimilation in the United States is greater than in Europe.