The Rabbinical Center of Europe (RCE) originated in 2000 as per the request of many European community Rabbis and the ruling of High-ranking Rabbis.

The RCE leaders are the Board of Directors and members of the council, composed of all types of Jewish backgrounds in Europe. The Rabbis turn to the RCE for support and guidance for various Jewish communities from all circles.

Supporting European Rabbis 24/7 with aid and assistance in all areas rates top priority by the RCE. As a prominent European Jewish organization, the RCE represents all the rabbis and stands by their side through every struggle, approval, backing, or referral they need to deal with the authorities. Another crucial aspect of support provided nonstop is solving the halachic issues for European Rabbis. Questions are referred to Gedolim in Israel and taken care of with a quick and detailed response.

Immediately upon inauguration, the RCE focused on several significant aspects. Conferences and Seminars – Halachic Courses in Europe. (Such as Wedding ceremonies, Chevra Kadisha, Funerals, Shatanez education, Maintaining and inspecting Mikvahs – much needed overseas, family purity, and more). Professional training courses: (crisis management in the community, financial crises, Organizational consulting, etc.) are essential to support the Rabbi’s complex lifestyle. In addition, significant annual conferences take place every year in a selected country.

The RCE offices are in the heart of the European Union, controlling vast areas of extensive support and assistance to Jewish communities in Europe. The multifold appeals are referred to appropriate divisions, each of which deals with a unique field. The RCE operates a branch in Jerusalem, Israel.

Chairman of the RCE, Rabbi Menachem Margolin, manages all the organization’s diplomatic and government-related matters. Rabbi Margolin is a well-known and recognized figure in all the European governments. As he toils day after day in court appeals or lobbying parliament members, the Rabbi is engrossed in combatting many Publics, Legal or Political issues.  His top priority is to ensure freedom of religion for Jews in Europe. Baruch Hashem Rabbi Margolin has aced many projects in the past years. His vision is to continue emancipating future discrimination while upgrading what exists and reach prosperity and tranquility for Jews in Europe based on their religion, heritage, and faith.

Besides being the Director-General of the RCE, Rabbi Arie Goldberg retains vast educational experience, as he was a Mshgiach Ruchani in Yeshivat “Torat Emet”. Many of his former students participate in RCE conferences or Seminars throughout Europe. Rabbi Goldberg, together with his staff, keeps contact with the European Community Rabbis daily.

RCE’s Deputy Director-General and Head of the ‘European Chesed Center’ Rabbi Yosef Bainhaker, dedicates his busy schedule to establishing and developing medical equipment lending centers for communities across Europe and is the mastermind behind the Jewish educational programs for children, the aspiring spirit activating the incredible week-long Bar/Bat Mitzvah Journey to Israel. For over 12 years, teenage Jewish European youth discover their legacy after months of learning relevant topics with their Community Rabbis, who accompany the adolescents throughout the entire trip. In addition, Rabbi Bainhaker is also responsible for the organization’s operations.

Rabbi Avraham Abba Torezki, the Secretary of the Rabbinical Council of Europe, is the channel for all the Halachic questions referred from Europe. He transfers them to the RCE Rabbis, receives the response, and returns them to the European Rabbis.

For many years he has also served as the link between the RCE Rabbis and the Israel and Worldwide Gedolim, whose doors are open to him. Hundreds of consequential and sensitive questions in the Jewish world were replied to by Torah scholars to Europe. Those answers will appear in the many topics discussed at conferences and seminars and professional training programs provided by the RCE.

Rabbi Yosef Minsky leads the RCE Kashrut (EK) division. For over 30 years, he generates constant improvement and development of Kosher food for the benefit of European Rabbis at any destination through his experience and worldwide expertise. He is well-known by Gedolim and the owners of noted food factories.

Rabbi Eliezer Shulman oversees the RCE’s speakers and publicity division. He manages to advertise the RCE organization, its departments, and operations to the masses and social media across Europe and beyond. The RCE professional marketing and media consultants are the best in the industry.