RCE News

15 Heshvan 5781, 15 Heshvan 5781, 2 November 2020

120,000 Channukah Menorahs will be Distributed to Jewish Communities Throughout Europe

The ‘Rabbinical Centre of Europe’ in a unique project called “Illuminating Europe”, preparing to distribute 120,000 Chanukah Menorahs to Jewish Communities throughout Europe.

14 Heshvan 5781, 14 Heshvan 5781, 1 November 2020

educational workshop

11 Heshvan 5781, 11 Heshvan 5781, 29 October 2020

Kislev Program 2020

9 Heshvan 5781, 9 Heshvan 5781, 27 October 2020

OBM: Rabbi Chaim Moshe Mordechai Shaikevitz a”h, Shaliach to Milan, Italy

27 Av 5780, 27 Av 5780, 17 August 2020

Arba Minim for European Jews

Offices at the RCE are occupied and hustling in preparation for the widespread distribution project of Arba Minim to Jewish communities in Europe.

16 Tammuz 5780, 16 Tammuz 5780, 8 July 2020

Summer Activity kits for European children

Morash Division is launching a virtual self-operating camp program as a result of the coronavirus that has spread throughout the world and consequently stifled our functions in Europe.

11 Sivan 5780, 11 Sivan 5780, 3 June 2020

The Historical Contribution of Rami Levi: Tefillin Distribution for European Jewry

Rami Levi, department chain owner and more, will donate hundreds of pairs of Tefillin totaling the cost of over one million shekels to disadvantaged European Jewry. Allotment will be processed upon the request of Rabbis who are members of the Rabbinical Centre of Europe.

9 Sivan 5780, 9 Sivan 5780, 1 June 2020

The series of Customized Activities for European Rabbis’ Children

Hundreds of children, sons and daughters of rabbis and shluchim from all over Europe participated in a series of customized activities that took place during the months of Iyar and Sivan preparing for the Shavuot holiday. All activities took place through ZOOM.

4 Sivan 5780, 4 Sivan 5780, 27 May 2020

The Prominent Shavuot Conference for European Rabbis

Hundreds of rabbis were Mekadesh Shaim Shamayim as they attended the Shavuot conference presented on Zoom and YouTube. Countless feedback followed the Torah conference which was a continuation of a long line of classes and extensive activities conducted by the “Rabbinical Center of Europe” in recent months.

2 Iyyar 5780, 2 Iyyar 5780, 26 April 2020

Baruch Dayan Haemet: Rabbi Benyamin Wolff O.B.M. Rabbi and Shaliach of Hannover, Germany

20 Adar 5780, 20 Adar 5780, 16 March 2020

One Day Before Border Shut- Down:100,000 Matza packages were distributed to European Communities

Each kit was professionally wrapped and packaged to preserve quality at arrival. The BASAD organization headed by Rabbi Yehuda Reichman assisted and executed distribution.

5 Adar 5780, 5 Adar 5780, 1 March 2020

PROJECT PURIM: Over 50,000 Mishloach Manot were distributed to European Communities

Tens of thousands of Mishloach Manot were packaged by The Rabbinical Center of Europe -“Morasha’ division. Community Rabbis assisted in distribution throughout Europe.