The journey was initiated by the “Morasha” division of “The Rabbinical Center of Europe “for the 11th consecutive year. The highlight of the tour took place at The Kotel with an unforgettable Bar/Bat Mitzvah ceremony.
The four day journey had its surprises; Rabbis were astonished as Bar mitzvah boys revealed a decision that changed their lives.
The young boys and girls, some with no Jewish background, recently experienced a spectacular tour of Israel. The journey was initiated by the “Morasha” division of “The Rabbinical Center of Europe “for the 10th consecutive year. The highlight of the tour took place at The Kotel with an memorable Bar/Bat Mitzvah ceremony; every boy received his own set of tefilin.
Dozens of European Rabbis participated in a halachic course regarding the Jewish Home, in Neimichen, Holand. RCE initiated and organized the course that was presented by Rabbi Levi Yitzchok Raskin dayan of the Lubavitch community in London, U.K. and a member of The Rabbinical council of Europe, HaGaon Rabbi Moshe Shlezinger Rabbi of” Maane Simcha” in Jerusalem and chairmen of the “Pri Chaim” organization, and Dr. Eli Schussheim, Director of Agudat “Efrat.
RCE initiated a country wide inspection of MIkvas last week. Harav Hahgaon Yehuda Leib Mintzberg, the renowned Mikva supervisor, visited six different Jewish European communities for the purpose of ensuring the Kashrus of the Mikvas, if in need of repair.
A New Innovative Educational Workshop for Tu Bishvat is presently being distributed, focusing on children and youth, produced by the Morasha division of RCE, headed by Deputy Director-General Rabbi Yosef Bainhaker who has much success in generating popular concepts. The workshop title is “Unlock the Bar code’, simulating a fascinating educational excursion to the different departments in the supermarket. It can be purchased with all its accessories in Hebrew, English, French, Russian, and German.
The Religious Affairs Minister of Hungary Mr. Miklosh Schultz arrived in Israel on an official visit as a result of RCE Lobbying.
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