RCE News

27 Kislev 5782, 27 Kislev 5782, 1 December 2021

BULGARIA: RCE’s European Chesed Centre Saves Lives of Two Elderly Jews

Chief Rabbi Yosef Salomon revealed the drama, at the inauguration of the European Chesed Centre branch in Bulgaria.

26 Kislev 5782, 26 Kislev 5782, 30 November 2021

Morasha Produces Rich Educational Activities for European Children in Kislev

Hundreds of European boys and girls inundated the Morasha division of the Rabbinical Centre of Europe with messages of thanks and appreciation for the array of activities sent to them during the month of Kislev.

25 Kislev 5782, 25 Kislev 5782, 29 November 2021

European Rabbis to Prime Minister Bennett: The Reform Are Religious Criminals, Stop Them from Harming the Western Wall

The Rabbinical Centre of Europe (RCE) sent a letter signed by 20 members of the Rabbinical Council of Europe to Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, government ministers, Chief Rabbis of Israel and members of the Chief Rabbinate

20 Kislev 5782, 20 Kislev 5782, 24 November 2021

The ‘Rabbinical Centre of Europe’ Sends 100,000 Chanukah Menorahs to Jewish Communities in Europe

For the third year in a row, the Rabbinical Centre of Europe has sent a huge shipment of menorahs to Europe. This year, an unprecedented 100,000 menorahs with candles were distributed to Jewish communities.

15 Heshvan 5782, 15 Heshvan 5782, 21 October 2021

Four Lending Centers for Medical Equipment were Established in Ukraine

Hundreds of thousands of dollars were invested in medical equipment to supply the foundation of lending centers in the cities of Zhytomyr. Chernivtsi, Vinnitsa and Anatevka.

The branches are managed by The ‘European Chesed Center’ led by the ‘Rabbinical Centre of Europe’

14 Heshvan 5782, 14 Heshvan 5782, 20 October 2021

Memorial Sites were erected in Vinnitsa and Chervoni

RCE undertook the project to erect memorials for Jews from the Holocaust who did not receive a proper monument.

Holocaust survivors and their descendants told hair-raising stories about the horrid cruelty and abuse of the Nazis and their aides when they led them tens of miles in the cold and snow.

6 Av 5781, 6 Av 5781, 15 July 2021

Mikvah Supervisor Rabbi Yehuda Leib Mintzberg, examined 13 mikvahs in Ukraine

In just five days, the mikvahs Supervisor traveled more than 2,000 kilometers thus expanding the areas which provide Kosher Mikvahs in Ukraine

3 Av 5781, 3 Av 5781, 12 July 2021

Medical Equipment Lending Network for Jewish communities Starts Roll-Out Across Europe

The Chesed project established by the European Rabbinical Centre and the European Jewish Association is in response to the pressing needs in various Jewish communities because of Covid.

28 Tammuz 5781, 28 Tammuz 5781, 8 July 2021

A Mass Grave Was Erected in the Rovno District

The “Rabbinical Centre of Europe” Persists in establishing it’s ‘mass grave project’ for Jews who were murdered in the Holocaust ∙ The graves were located with the help of local historians and elderly people who witnessed the massacre.

27 Tammuz 5781, 27 Tammuz 5781, 7 July 2021

The Professional Forum for European Rabbis Concludes in Odessa

Detailed discussions on the pandemic in the Jewish community and its wide range of implications in all areas and aspects were the focus of the Conference.

24 Iyyar 5781, 24 Iyyar 5781, 6 May 2021

Polish Agriculture Minister: No Impediment to Kosher Meat Exports for European Religious Communities

The Minister held meeting with the Chairman of the RCE, Rabbi Menachem Margolin, Dutch Chief Rabbi Binyomin Jacobs, review Board Chairman of the Social and Cultural Association of Jews in Poland (TSKZ).

3 Nisan 5781, 3 Nisan 5781, 16 March 2021

Over 100,000 Kezayit Shmurah Matzot were sent to European Jews

The kits were delivered to more than 560 Rabbis and community leaders who will distribute them right before the Pesach holiday. Each kit was professionally packaged to prevent the Matzot from cracking before reaching their destination.