RCE Activities

5 Adar 5780, 5 Adar 5780, 1 March 2020

PROJECT PURIM: Over 50,000 Mishloach Manot were distributed to European Communities

Tens of thousands of Mishloach Manot were packaged by The Rabbinical Center of Europe -“Morasha’ division. Community Rabbis assisted in distribution throughout Europe.

24 Kislev 5780, 24 Kislev 5780, 22 December 2019

75,000 Menorahs were delivered to Jewish communities in Europe

The RCE completed a special delivery of 75,000 Menorahs to 560 European Jewish communities. The distribution included a Menorah, candles for the entire Chanukah holiday and a booklet translated into several languages.

20 Heshvan 5780, 20 Heshvan 5780, 18 November 2019

Orthodox Jewish community recognized by Hungarian Government

The Hungarian government granted formal recognition to the Orthodox Jewish community. This is the first time that they will benefit recognition since World War II.

2 Heshvan 5780, 2 Heshvan 5780, 31 October 2019

First permanent Chief Rabbi appointed in Montenegro

A moving induction ceremony was attended by President Milo Jokanovic and Israeli Minister of Religious Services, Yitzchak Vaknin.

12 Iyyar 5779, 12 Iyyar 5779, 17 May 2019

RCE delegation visit the Jewish Communities in Spain and Gibraltar

The four day journey had its surprises; Rabbis were astonished as Bar mitzvah boys revealed a decision that changed their lives.

22 Tevet 5779, 22 Tevet 5779, 30 December 2018

The European Student Association held a special Shabbaton for Jewish students 2 weeks ago

Rabbi Ives:” Many young European Jews are isolated from Judaism. Our goal is to open their eyes for the first time, and see the light.

14 Kislev 5779, 14 Kislev 5779, 22 November 2018

RCE Delegation Promotes Torah in Paris and Nearby Communities

he emphasis of their campaign was to strengthen Jewish identity and to prevent assimilation among the youth, who are now three and four generations removed from those who experienced the Nazi’s perpetration of the Holocaust.

3 Kislev 5779, 3 Kislev 5779, 11 November 2018

Anticipation grows as the Jewish communities in Paris prepare for the Rabbinical entourage

“The Communities in Paris applaud the RCE and the two highly regarded Israeli Rabbis for undertaking such a major event.” said Rabbi Houri.

29 Heshvan 5779, 29 Heshvan 5779, 7 November 2018

European Jewry Defines the Red Lines

27 Heshvan 5779, 27 Heshvan 5779, 5 November 2018

With the Participation of the RCE: Official Tests by Israel’s Chief Rabbinate Will Be Available in Europe

Community rabbanim and Torah scholars in Europe were pleased to learn that Israel’s Chief Rabbinate, together with the Rabbinical Centre of Europe, have developed a special program for European residents who wish to be tested officially by Israel’s Chief Rabbinate.

6 Heshvan 5779, 6 Heshvan 5779, 15 October 2018

The Rabbinical Council of Europe Conference in Vienna Concluded

The Rabbinical Council of Europe’s board of directors and members of the council gathered in the Jewish community center in Vienna in honor of the invitation from the local Chief Rabbi Arie Folger, and the Rabbi of the Sephardic community Hagaon Rabbi Yitzchak Niazov.

3 Elul 5778, 3 Elul 5778, 14 August 2018

Arba Minim for European Jews

Offices at the RCE are occupied and hustling in preparation for the widespread distribution project of Arba Minim to Jewish communities in Europe.