RCE News

1 Nisan 5781, 1 Nisan 5781, 14 March 2021

The Chief Rabbi of Israel to the European Rabbis: ” We will sell the chametz of European Jews even for those who aren’t aware of us doing so.”

The RCE conducted a practical Halacha class as part of their Shiurim channel, on the topic of Erev Pesach falling on Shabbat.

12 Adar 5781, 12 Adar 5781, 24 February 2021

PURIM PROJECT: Over 100,000 ‘Mishlochei Manot’ were sent to Europe Communities

The ‘Mishlochei Manot’ were packaged by the ‘Rabbinical Centre of Europe’ and were distributed by Rabbis of the Jewish communities throughout Europe.

2 Adar 5781, 2 Adar 5781, 14 February 2021

OBM: Hagaon Rabbi Gershon Mendel Garelik

61 illustrious years as the Shaliach for the Lubavitcher Rebbe and Rabbi of the ‘ Ohel Yakov’ community in Milan were faithfully served by Rabbi Gershon Mendel Garelik. On Shabbat Shkalim, his sudden passing at the ripe age of 88 left a rich legacy of activity and institutions such as the foundation of the RCE 21 years ago.

29 Shevat 5781, 29 Shevat 5781, 11 February 2021

Hearing Megillah By ‘ZOOM’ Does it Fulfil the Halachic Obligation?

European Rabbis referred the question to the Director General of the RCE Rabbi Arie Goldberg, who transferred the question to The Chief Rabbi of Israel Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef for his decision.
Many Jews in Europe have no option to participate in public Megillah reading

28 Shevat 5781, 28 Shevat 5781, 10 February 2021

Professional Fundraising During and Post- Covid

An online event for Rabbis, Jewish leaders and community leaders dealing with the fundraising challenges enforced on many by the pandemic.

Sign up Today!

9 Tevet 5781, 9 Tevet 5781, 24 December 2020

Thanks to the RCE: Tens of Thousands of European Jews lit Chanukah candles

120,000 Chanukah Menorahs were distributed by the RCE in conjunction with the EJA and the BASSAD organization. Hundreds of Jewish communities across Europe illuminated Europe with Jewish light.

8 Tevet 5781, 8 Tevet 5781, 23 December 2020

MORASHA: Rich Educational Activities Produced for Children

Hundreds of Rabbi’s children in Europe participated in a list of specialized activities during the months of Cheshvan, Kislev and Tevet. All the activities were on ZOOM.

2 Tevet 5781, 2 Tevet 5781, 17 December 2020

European Rabbis Condemn European Court of Justice on Favoring Animals Above Freedom of Religion

The European Court of Justice (ECJ) today (Thursday) released a detriment and controversial ruling that could severely infringe on the right to perform kosher slaughter in accordance with the rules of Jewish law, which have been practiced and accepted as animal protection for thousands of years.

22 Kislev 5781, 22 Kislev 5781, 8 December 2020

26 loaning Centers for medical equipment will be established in Europe.

The branches were founded by the “Rabbinical Centre of Europe” and the “European Jewish Association”. The RCE and the EJA signed a contract with a leading medical equipement supplier who will provide every branch with equipment worth tens of thousands of euros.

Educational Workshop on Setting Limits for Children and Teens

A Three session workshop for women on setting limits for children and teens instructed by Mrs. Dauba Raskin presented on ZOOM during the month of Kislev.

20 Kislev 5781, 20 Kislev 5781, 6 December 2020

Project “Lighting Europe”: Thousands of Jewish Communities Throughout Europe will light Chanukah candles.

120,000 of Chanukah Menorahs, candles and dreidels have finally reached their destination, to many hundreds of Jewish communities across Europe, where thousands of European Jews will light them next week.

1 Kislev 5781, 1 Kislev 5781, 17 November 2020

Mikvah Attendant training course opened

The 7 sessions are designed for wives of European Rabbis which include fundamental matters In Halacha, the medical field and professionalism