RCE News

20 Elul 5783, 20 Elul 5783, 6 September 2023

Dozens of leading Rabbis Condemn Armenian Leaders for Using Holocaust Rhetoric

A group of 50 senior leading European Rabbis have signed a joint letter condemning the leaders of Armenia for using holocaust rhetoric in its campaign against its neighbor, Azerbaijan.

1 Av 5783, 1 Av 5783, 19 July 2023

European Rabbis gather for the annual forum held by the Rabbinical Centre of Europe

The annual RCE forum was held in Hannover, Germany, in memory of the Rabbi and Chabad Shaliach of Hannover, Rabbi Binyamin Wolf, who passed away 3 years ago • Rabbis participated in fascinating lectures alongside in-depth conversations about the future of European Jews

15 Sivan 5783, 15 Sivan 5783, 4 June 2023

The ‘Rabbinical Centre of Europe’ announces: Special Beit Din to Be Established for Jewish Origin Inquiries

The Rabbinical Centre of Europe has informed hundreds of rabbis of the establishment of a Beit Din designated to ascertain the Jewish origin of those who wish to join the communities. The decision was the result of years of dealings with difficult issues relating to marriages, burials and more.

13 Iyyar 5783, 13 Iyyar 5783, 4 May 2023

Dozens of European Community Rabbis Complete a Course on Performing the Jewish Marriage Ceremony

The community rabbis studied the extensive and unique course over several months in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Rabbinical Centre of Europe

23 Adar 5783, 23 Adar 5783, 16 March 2023

Vienna Conference on Assimilation Among European Jews

Distinguished Torah scholars and Rabbis of Jewish communities from around Europe attended the conference on the 85th anniversary of the “Anschluss”, the annexation of Austria by the Nazis • A study commissioned by the RCE indicates that the rate of assimilation in the United States is greater than in Europe.

5 Adar 5783, 5 Adar 5783, 26 February 2023

More Than 230 European Youths Celebrate Bar and Bat Mitzvah in Moving Ceremony

This is the largest trip yet organized by the Rabbinical Centre of Europe since the unique project began 14 years ago at the initiative of the Morasha division * The bar mitzvah ceremony was held at the Western Wall in the morning hours; the boys received tefillin and the girls received a silver candlestick

17 Tevet 5783, 17 Tevet 5783, 10 January 2023

Inauguration of New European Chesed Center in Cyprus

Chief Rabbi of Cyprus, leaders of the Rabbinical Centre of Europe, Deputy Mayor and Deputy Ambassador of Israel participate in Mezuzah ceremony for Chesed Center in Larnaca • Dozens of Chesed Centers were inaugurated throughout Europe in the past year

3 Tevet 5783, 3 Tevet 5783, 27 December 2022

Chanukah Candles Illuminate Hearts

Over 100,000 Chanukiyot were distributed in Europe by the Rabbinical Centre of Europe • The kits contained candles, dreidel, and an instruction booklet with the Brachot for lighting in four languages: English, French, German and Russian • Rabbi Shmuel Brodman of the Munich community and Rabbi Yosef Amar from Area 77 in France enthusiastically talk about sparks lit in Jewish hearts

20 Kislev 5783, 20 Kislev 5783, 14 December 2022

The Rabbinical Centre of Europe Leads a Jewish Transformation in Kazakhstan

Two Chesed Centers were inaugurated in an impressive ceremony in Kazakhstan by the heads of the Rabbinical Centre of Europe and local rabbis • The Chief Rabbi of Kazakhstan Rabbi Yeshaya Cohen: “The RCE has made a real transformation here.”

14 Kislev 5783, 14 Kislev 5783, 8 December 2022

European Chesed Center Holds Impressive Ceremony to Inaugurate New Moldova Branches

After fifty years without a synagogue, a new one was established in in the city of Bendery in the Transnistria region of Moldova, in memory of the Rebbe from Rivnitz, Beit Chaim Zvill Chabad whose city of residence was close by to Benady # A beautiful new Chesed Center was inaugurated in Chisinau as the event was graced by the presence of Israel’s ambassador to the country of Moldova, Mr. Yoel Leon and local Leaders.

Dozens of European Community Rabbis Attend Course for Laws of The Jewish Home in Paris

The course was given by Rabbi Gideon ben Moshe, Rosh Kollel of Bait Hora’ah and head of the Rabbinical court for monetary matters in Jerusalem; Rabbi Yitzchak Guggenheim, Chief Rabbi of Paris and member of Rabbinical Council of Europe; Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Kahn, member of the Lubavitch Rabbinical Court in Paris, and member of the Rabbinical Council of Europe; Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Raskin, Dayan and Posek for the Lubavitch Community and Kedassia- London, and a member of the Presidium of the Rabbinic Council of Europe; Rabbi Shlomo Tobaly, Rosh Kollel Beit Hananiah in Paris , Dayan and a member of the Rabbinic Council of Europe; and Dr. Claude Shealy.

16 Heshvan 5783, 16 Heshvan 5783, 10 November 2022

Members of the Presidium and Council of the Rabbinical Centre of Europe Visit Gedolei Yisrael

23 members of the Presidium and Council of the RCE came for a historic visit to Eretz Hakodesh * The Rebbes and Roshei Yeshivah they visited were impressed by the scope of their activities for Diaspora Jewry * The Rabbis called to amend the Law of Return.