Educational Activities for Children in Preparation for Rosh Hashanah

The Morashah division of the RCE has produced an exceptional workshop through which children can learn about the holidays in an interesting and absorbing way. The program can be set up by the Rav or Rebbetzin of any individual community, guided by the activity workbook. The Rabbanim of communities throughout Europe have been very pleased with this innovative program.
The workbook gives instructions for all the activities that the Rav or the Rebbetzin can use in working with children. The set includes a folder with slide presentations and other visual aids to accompany each individual activity. The Morashah staff has translated the materials to be handed out to the children into Hebrew, English, French, German and Russian.
In each stage of the program, the materials and props needed for the activity are specified. The program is fascinating and contemporary, and it includes a variety of activities suitable for all ages. Each activity is geared for a specific age and a specific number of participants.
In the workshop focusing on “the Coronation,” the children learn about the meaning of Rosh Hashanah – that it is the day Hakadosh Baruch Hu was coronated as King of the world through the blowing of the shofar. The sound of a shofar represents the deepest, innermost cry of a Jew. In the second unit, Rosh Hashanah is emphasized as the first day in the Jewish calendar. It presents the symbols of the holiday and expresses our wishes for a good year.
The programs have been received enthusiastically and with great appreciation. One rabbi wrote, “This arrived just in time. We planned activities for the holidays, but we had not yet managed to find a suitable program. Thank you very much!”
In response to the very positive feedback, the Morashah division is working hard to prepare similar programs for other Jewish holidays.