Exclusive Educational Pesach Kits for Children
The Morasha division of RCE keeps up with tradition as they proudly present an activity kit for the upcoming Pesach holiday.
The Morasha division of RCE keeps up with tradition as they proudly present an activity kit for the upcoming Pesach holiday.
Price: 50 Euro only
What is in the kit?
The Pesach program: From Slavery to Redemption:
The program is divided into 3 main parts: Pesach, Matzah and Bitter Herbs, giving the children the opportunity to learn about the holiday’s message in a fun and action packed atmosphere. Every stage comes with accessories that aid the leader in presenting the workshop.
The children will virtually travel from Slavery to Redemption and feel the experience!
Bitter Herbs: A bitter taste of Am Yisrael’s slavery and plight in Egypt
‘We were slaves to Pharaoh in Egypt’-Pyramids of Slavery-social activity
‘Passport station’-Each child will receive a passport to leave Egypt, as if they were really there!
Watch the Presentation: The 10 plagues Hashem sent on the Egyptians.
Matzah: Why do we eat Matzah? What is Chametz? Why can’t we eat Chametz? And more
WE must remove all the Chametz from our house! Let’s find the Chametz and clean up!
Baking Matzahs: Watch the Matzah baking presentation.
Matzah Selfie: Let’s take a picture at the Matzah factory with a designed background.
Pesach: Educate the group about Leil Haseder, The Central Plate, and The 4 cups of Wine.
Explain the Simonim on the Central Plate-The Ke’arah , by watching the presentation.
Create your own Central Plate –each child will receive a personally designed kit to create their own Ke’arah.
Who will fill up the Goblet? The wine and the 4 cups contest.
Who knows four? The Multimedia game that summarizes all that has been learned.
All the activities are translated into English, French, German, Russian and Hebrew