Introductory Kit for subscriptions
Morasha Division- Rabbinical Centre of Europe is proud to present: The new and special Introductory kit of the educational workshops series-year of תשפ”א “Breaking Records” Please note! This kit is for annual subscribers only! The kit introduces the annual theme – “Breaking Records”, connecting the children to the world of content dealt with this year. -
The children will play an exciting game and get to know the four sacred cities in the land of Israel, the holy places in them and stories related to them. -
Iyar Program 2021
Activity kit for the month of Iyar “LET’S GO COUNT” The children will prepare for Chag Matan Torah in this kit and will learn about the days of the Sefirah and the customs that we perform then. In the first session, the children will get to know MULTI’s family and think about how many days -
The children will play a unique digital game and learn about Jewish pride, Jewish symbols, and Jewish attire. -
The children will participate in a team-based contest and learn the basic laws of milk and meat. -
Kislev Program 2020
The Rabbinical Centre of Europe- Morasha is proud to present The Kislev kit: ” LIGHTNING SPEED” In this kit you will find: Instruction booklet for Facilitator, 4 sessions filled with a rich variety of activities Colorful accessories for every activity, Catchy anthem accompanied by an animated video, translated into Hebrew, English, French, Russian and -
The activity will deal with the meaning of Lag Baomer, the story of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai in the cave, The Lag Baomer bonfires, the bow and arrow tradition. All these by playing social games. -
The children will play games that require cooperation and friendship. They will learn about the importance of loving your fellow Jew, the story of Rabbi Akiva and his spreading the concept of “Love others like yourself”. -
Morasha kits for Tishrei Holidays
The educational kits from ” MORASHA” that instill Jewish values to children deal. This series runs the topic “Heroes from Tanach”. The package contains 10 monthly activity sets, each of which includes material for 4 sessions. Contents of each monthly kit: Unique animated video Detailed instruction booklet for the leader Personalized workbook for each child -
Morasha program 2025: Tick Tock with the Torah
Order the Tick Tock with the Torah activity program now and receive an incredibly rich set of experiential content, for dozens of sessions! How much does it cost? The cost per year is only 360€ (instead of 500€). The price includes the program’s coordinating activity booklets. How will I receive the material? The -
Morasha: Rolling Through the Year
Order now “Rolling Through the Year” activity program. Receive awesome rich content for dozens of meetings! Cost? 360€ for the year, including workbooks. How? The first workbook will be sent immediately, to print via Google Drive. The second workbook will arrive towards completion of first. What? You will find workbooks full of content and activities -
A Pure Profession with a Mission You have always Dreamed of it- Now It’s your reality! NEW! Presenting the ONLINE MIKVAH ATTENDANT TRAINING COURSE by the “Rabbinical Centre of Europe” in cooperation with the Sofia Halichot Beita Institute of the Chabad’s women’s organization and the “Askila” Center from the Beit Rivka College. Created for Rebbetzins -
The Children will learn, participate and act out Pesach Sheini. -
The children will play an interactive game (with pairs or individuals) accompanied by the leader’s presentation and learn about the evils of Lashon hara and the importance of speaking the truth. -
Purim Kit – 2022
The Rabbinical Centre of Europe is proud to present “HIGH JOY CONTENT”! The educational kit for Adar 1. A kit brimming with excitement with the happy atmosphere of the month of Adar. In this kit we will learn about the different aspects of Joy, on the importance of keeping mitzvot out of joy, and will -
The children will play an educational measuring game and learn about the important mitzvah of honoring parents and how perform it by not sitting in our parents’ place, speaking respectfully, not using our parent’s name, not waking them up and about the reward of longevity in reward for the mitzvah.