A Pure Profession with a Mission

You have always Dreamed of it- Now It’s your reality!


Presenting the ONLINE MIKVAH ATTENDANT TRAINING COURSE by the “Rabbinical Centre of Europe” in cooperation with the Sofia Halichot Beita Institute of the Chabad’s women’s organization and the “Askila” Center from the Beit Rivka College.

Created for Rebbetzins throughout Europe.

Recommended also for acting Mikvah Attendants who lack official training

The Program includes learning – in – depth Halacha, Professional reference to medical and psychological cases and providing practical tools for the Mikvah Attendant job assisting in various job challenges.

Course Topics

Halachic Knowledge, Laws of Niddah, Laws of Cleansing and Chatzitza, Cosmetics, Shabbat, Holidays and Special occasions, Different Mikvahs, Women who do not keep Torah And Mitzvot, Torah perspective: The importance of The Mikvah Attendant, Hydrophobia- fear of water, Normative and problematic marital functions, Addressing the emotional and medical condition of the woman, The Importance of the Mikvah Attendant’s  Role | Dealing with  special cases by experience in the field , Mikvah maintenance, Study tour of the mikveh and demonstration.

In conclusion of the course the Chief Rabbinate will provide certification with the following requirements:

Participation in all the classes, Final test results above 85%.

Renown Speakers

Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Raskin, Rabbetzin Bruria Ashkenazi, Dr. Ackerman Boar, Mrs. Esther Gur, Mrs. Chana Shtark, Mrs. Peri Glitzenstein, Mrs. Leah Halpern

Wednesdays 21;00-22:15 Israel time zone | 7 Sessions + Test | Opening: 2nd of Kislev.