RCE News

4 Sivan 5777, 4 Sivan 5777, 29 May 2017

Chief Rabbi David Lau: I Was Amazed to Find Minyanim in Estonia

25 Iyyar 5777, 25 Iyyar 5777, 21 May 2017

Latest Initiative of RCE’s Morasha division: Children’s Activity workshops for Shavuos

As Shavuos approaches, the Morasha division of RCE, with the assistance of the ‘Meromin’ foundation, has created an exclusive workshop for children, by the name ‘ 613 Mitzvah Rocketship’.

10 Nisan 5777, 10 Nisan 5777, 6 April 2017

First Seder in Germany

9 Nisan 5777, 9 Nisan 5777, 5 April 2017

Investment of Tens of Millions of Shekels to Ensure Kosher Jewish Weddings

8 Nisan 5777, 8 Nisan 5777, 4 April 2017

Can a microwave be Koshered for Pesach?

24 Adar 5777, 24 Adar 5777, 22 March 2017

The Annual Conference of RCE Rabbis Took Place This Year in Italy

9 Adar 5777, 9 Adar 5777, 7 March 2017

Exclusive Educational Pesach Kits for Children

The Morasha division of RCE keeps up with tradition as they proudly present an activity kit for the upcoming Pesach holiday.

7 Adar 5777, 7 Adar 5777, 5 March 2017

One Hundred European Jewish Children Enjoy a Bar Mitzvah Trip in Israel

10 Shevat 5777, 10 Shevat 5777, 6 February 2017

Problematic Ruling Roils Jewish Community in Germany: Arson Act In Synagogue Not Anti-Semitic

The “Kollelei Torah” Revolution

Outrageous Verdict in Germany: Shul Arson Was Not an Anti-Semitic Incident

60 Jewish Organizations Leaders Participate in the EJA Conference