We welcome you, together with hundreds of Rabbanim, Mashgichim, and experts in the field of kashrus to join us for our upcoming convention in Brussels, Belgium. This symposium is to take place immediately following the Yomim Tovim B”H, on the 7th and 8th of Cheshvan ה’תש”ע (25-26 of October).

The forthcoming event was decided upon at the previous RCE Rabbinical Council‘s meeting that was held in Iyar of this year, in London.

It was determined that the upcoming conference broaden its association to include professional Mashgichim and representatives with years of practical experience in Europe and worldwide.

Our staff is in the process of coordinating and determining a schedule and program which will include lectures and workshops by world renowned Torah leaders and directors of foremost international Kashrus organizations, as well as universally accepted experts in kashrus and food production technology.

A second notification will follow detailing the exact agenda.

A number of respected European Torah authorities have confirmed their participation in the event, and we look forward to your involvement.