We are pleased to inform you that between the 3rd and the 13th of Elul (23/8/2009 – 2/9/2009) a highly competent Sofer Stam will be visiting Europe on our behalf. He is a G-d fearing individual who specializes in the repair of Tefilin, Mezuzot and Sifrei Torah. The Sofer will travel throughout Europe offering his “while-you-wait” inspection, repair, and replacement services. Likewise in the course of his trip he will be selling relevant products at exceptionally cheap prices.

Our Sofer will be offering the following services: The assessment and repairing of Tefilin and Mezuzot, replacing Tefilin straps, reconditioning Tefillin paint and more.

Among the items being sold will be Tefilin paint, Tefilin parshiot, (sold separately) Tefilin boxes, (sold separately), plastic Tefilin cases, Tefilin bags, (velvet and plastic) Kippot, Tefilin glue, Talitot and Talit bags (velvet and plastic), and charts with the Brachot for the laying of Tefilin and affixing of Mezuzot.

The Sofer will be selling a variety of Tefilin and Mezuzot suited to accommodate the various differing religious traditions under the supervision of the most respected Hechsherim.

Where necessary, it will be possible to place a special order for Tefilin and Mezuzot. These will be sent to the buyer through the Rabbinical Centre of Europe within a few days.

As stated, everything will be offered at the most reasonable prices.

We will be scheduling the Sofer’s itinerary within the next few days, and he will visit central Jewish communities that are a focal point for those in need of these services and the products he has to offer.

In order to invite the Sofer to visit your community or to find out which city in the vicinity he will be visiting please contact us as soon as possible.

Tel: +972.2.653.59.49 Ext 5

Fax: +972.2.651.65.85

E-Mail: database@rce.eu.com

Messenger database@rce.eu.com

Skype: rce.database