During a specially arranged conversation that took placeyesterday afternoon between Rabbi Yitzchok Schochet of London UK, who was calling on behalf of the Rabbinical Centre of Europe (RCE), and Mr Josipovic, The president-Elect of Croatia, the latter Indicated hiswillingness to Continue the Battle Against Anti Semitism.

Rabbi Schochet told Mr Josipovic: “It is an honour and a privilege to extend to you the heartiest congratulations for your election victory on behalf of the Rabbinical Centre of Europe and all the Rabbis of Europe, and especially on behalf of the Rabbis in Croatia.”

The RCE represents over seven hundred rabbis and Jewish communities throughout the European continent. The organisation works to improve religious services and facilities, such as providing financial and professional assistance for the construction of mikvehs (ritual baths), offering guidelines and advice, and other issues of importance to the Jewish communities.

Rabbi Schochet stressed to the President elect that the RCE “looks forward to continuing the cordial relationship with the Croatian Government.” The RCE has regularly met in the past with the Prime Minister and President of Croatia to discuss matters such as the preservation of cemeteries and Anti Semitism. “We are looking to you to continue the good work in this regard and other matters of mutual concern,” Rabbi Schochet said.

Although Croatia has clamped down on the rise of Neo-Nazism, there are still attacks on Jews and Jewish institutions within the nation.

Mr. Josipovic acknowledged the need to fight anti-Semitism in Croatia and thanked Rabbi Schochet and the RCE for his call. He also expressed his willingness to continue the cooperation with the RCE and the local rabbis.

The RCE is in regular contact with many European leaders and governments about issues of concern to the Jewish community.