The RCE is now marketing a new wine from the exclusive MERLOT series in Jewish European populated areas. The wine is supervised by the EK Hechsher division of the RCE, run by Rabbi Yirmiyahu Cohen Av Beit Din Paris. The demand for the product was incredible and consumers expressed their satisfaction that they have the opportunity to purchase additional kosher products, thanks to the RCE.

Composed of grape types that had grown in Southern France close to the Spanish border, known for its high quality wines, this unique series was produced in a limited edition of 15000 bottles only. Presently, the Tavor winery is producing two types of wines in the series. Every type has a unique story that starts from planting the seeds in rich soil, attending to the small crops with personal care and ends up with fantastic results. The excellent grapes were manually harvested with great care by religious Jews.

Wine aging is the next step. The grapes are deposited into French oak barrels to age and enrich the flavor. After the aging process in the barrels is complete, bottles are filled with the wine and are left in a cellar add depth to the taste. Throughout the whole process there is strict uncompromising Halachic supervision.

Upswing in EK Kashrut Division

The EK Kashrut division of the RCE, headed by Rabbi Yirmiyahu Cohen Av Beit Din Paris is in momentum of expanding its activities all over Europe. Many food companies approached the EK Kashrut division requesting to come tour their factories and receive the EK supervision that will allow them to market their products to the Jewish Mitzvah abiding population.

Prior tour and supervision of the factories, many phone calls were made and documents inspected by the Rabbi Yirmiyahu Cohen, Av Beit Din Paris and his staff of EK Kashrut division headed by Rabbi Yosef Minsky. Rabbi Minsky is a well-known expert in the field of food Kashrut and has many years of experience.

Dairy products, spices, winemakers, fruits, vegetables and others are part of the list of companies that are supplied with the EK Hechsher. Each one started by submitting documents to allow the Hechsher process, followed by a delegation of rabbinical supervisors who arrive at the factory and verify that all the details of the contract are complied. If all the circumstantial evidence is correct, then a specific supervisor is chosen to inspect the factory for Kashrut.

The EK Rabbinical supervision consists of rabbis that are well versed and have vast experience in Kashrut inspection. They are personally tested by Rabbi Yirmiyahu Cohen Av Beit Din Paris or other heads of the Kashrut division in the RCE. Much effort is invested to ensure that the Inspector lives close by and understands the language spoke in the factory. This guarantees a high level of Kashrut and at the same time lowers the price of the products due to the supervisors living quarters in close proximity.

The EK Kashrut division of the RCE states that there are dozens of companies in Belgium, Spain, Romania, France, Ukraine, Greece, Poland, and Hungary that already market their products all over Europe for the convenience of the Jewish Mitzvah abiding population. This is a reality that didn’t exist in the past.