The Mar’ot and Taharat Hamishpacha course will be presented by Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Raskin Dayan of the Lubavitch community in London, U.K and member of the Rabbinical Council of Europe

We are proud to announce the upcoming course in Taharat Hamishpacha in Milano (Italy) from Sunday 29th of Tevet, (10/1/20016). To Monday Rosh Chodesh Shevat (11/1/2016)

The course will be presented by Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Raskin Dayan of the Lubavitch community in London, U.K and member of the Rabbinical Council of Europe.

Registration fee:

Rabbis with room: 130 Euro only (fee includes meals, lectures and room with another Rabbi)

Local Milano Rabbis w/o room: 60 Euro only (fee includes lectures and meals)

The course is sponsored by The Rabbi of Milano, Rabbi Avraham Hazan, member of the Rabbinical Council of Europe.

For more information please contact the RCE office.