Conferences & Seminars

18 Tevet 5776, 18 Tevet 5776, 30 December 2015

Mar’ot and Taharat Hamishpacha course will be held in Milano

he course will be presented by Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Raskin Dayan of the Lubavitch community in London, U.K and member of the Rabbinical Council of Europe.

15 Heshvan 5776, 15 Heshvan 5776, 28 October 2015

Zhytomyr: A Course for Rabbis in Performing Weddings; the Halachos of Chuppah Vekiddushin

The sixth course sponsored by the Rabbinical Centre of Europe, on the topic of Rabbis officiating at weddings, has been completed.

22 Tammuz 5775, 22 Tammuz 5775, 9 July 2015

Young Rabbis’ Forum Event in Sofia, Bulgaria

15 Sivan 5775, 15 Sivan 5775, 2 June 2015

An RCE Initiative: Full-Day Seminar in London Exploring Community and Family Issues

6 Adar 5775, 6 Adar 5775, 25 February 2015

Dozens of European Rabbis participated in a conference on Shabbos, Family and Community In Prague, Czech Republic

17 Tevet 5775, 17 Tevet 5775, 8 January 2015

Impressions from the Course on Chuppah V’kiddushin

“After all, a rabbi can’t be always giving to others. He needs to take some time to recharge his own batteries as well.”

20 Sivan 5774, 20 Sivan 5774, 18 June 2014

Dozens of Rabbanim Call for the Safe Return of Kidnapped Teenagers

Young Rabbis’ Forum in Amsterdam

For the third year, a conference was held in which dozens of young rabbis from all over Europe participated. The European Young Rabbis’ Forum was initiated and is sponsored by the Rabbinical Centre of Europe. The three-day conference, beginning on June 16 (18 Sivan) and held in Amsterdam, was graced by highly professional leading lecturers, speaking on topics related to Jewish education, marriage, counseling and fund-raising.

1 Nisan 5774, 1 Nisan 5774, 1 April 2014

RCE Conference in Budapest, 5774

Some 300 Rabbanim, including Dayanim, Chief Rabbis, community rabbis, and congregational rabbis, from all sectors and from 40 different European countries, convened last week in Budapest, Hungary. The convention’s main theme was a series of discussions, led by Europe’s leading rabbis, about the challenge of widespread assimilation that is eating away at Jewish communities, and the many halachic problems that accompany this issue.

27 Adar I 5774, 27 Adar I 5774, 27 February 2014

A Special Message from the Kaliver Rebbe

15 Tammuz 5773, 15 Tammuz 5773, 23 June 2013

Rabbis Forum Meets in Bucharest

12 Av 5772, 12 Av 5772, 31 July 2012

Forum for Young Rabbis Founded in Budapest