Dozens of European Rabbis gathered in Paris for a professional Forum run by the RCE
The Professional Rabbinical Forum in collaboration with the consistoire of Paris at the spacious Jewish Center • Major Halachic issues were discussed during the seminar together with Rabbis from Eretz Yisrael.
Close to 80 Rabbis from European communities participated in a three-day Professional Forum Seminar for European Rabbis, initiated be the “Rabbinical Centre of Europe” in collaboration with the consistoire of Paris. The forum was held at the Consistory’s spacious Jewish center in the 17th quarter of France.
Among the rabbis who attended the conference were Rabbi Gideon Ben Moshe, Kollel leader and Av Beit Din of the Jerusalem High Court of finances. The Rabbi led a series of discussions, on halachic and current significant issues.
Among the issues that arose was a controversy over whether it is permissible to postpone circumcision on Shabbat for those who do not observe Torah and Mitzvot, and lighting Shabbat candles in hotels by using electric lamps, Leds and flashlights. Rabbi Ben Moshe quoted on each topic the rulings of Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach z”l, Rabbi Moshe Feinstein z”l, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef z”l, Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv z”l , besides all the major Halachic rulers of the generation and summarized the rulings for practicality. After each of the classes, the rabbis of the communities stood around him and debated with him for a long time.
The well-known educator, Rabbi Pinchas Brayer, CEO “Legadel” institute, gave a series of lectures on education and rabi community relationships, positive communal authority and creating a basis for the right connection at home, in the community and in our close environment.
Every topic combined many examples from experience over the years. Every day, the rabbis of the congregations surrounded Rabbi Brair and asked to consult with him. The discussions lasted for many hours. Those present expressed great appreciation for the opportunity to meet, deal with and provide solutions for unsolved issues, ending up being tremendous support when they return to their communities.
R’ Avi Idan, personal coach achiever and one of the top Israeli marketers, gave business lectures in the field of creating goals and successes and how to overcome the challenges on the way to the goal. During the three days of the conference, he captivated those present with examples from his many years of experience and gave ‘tips’ on how to market diverse topics in the various communities, while setting goals for each of the actions. Participants expressed great admiration.
R’ Eitan Dobkin, advertising, and marketing expert, shared techniques on how to convey positive messages in the modern business world. The communal rabbis were exposed to the unique way in which members of the community can be influenced and encouraged to study many Jewish topics. As previously, many questions were answered on various helpful topics that could assist members of the communities and their leadership.
Rabbi Michel Guggenheim, Rabbi of Paris, gave his blessings to the participants in the conference and expressed in detail the importance of preparing young couples for marriage. Also present was Mr. Joel Mergui, President of the consistoire of Paris, who addressed the rabbis and stressed the importance of cooperation between the rabbis and the community leaders.
During the professional forum, the CEO of the RCE, Rabbi Arie Goldberg, and the Vice President of the RCE, Rabbi Yosef Bainhaker, met with the president consistoire of Paris, Mr. Joel Mergui, who was the official host of the conference, and with the Chief Rabbi of Paris, Rabbi Michel Guggenheim. Various issues and their possible solutions were discussed. The meeting concluded with the agreement to tighten the cooperation between the organizations. The meeting was also attended by the Chief Rabbi of the Netherlands, Rabbi Binyamin Jacobs, who fascinated those present with the words he shared from his many years of experience.
The Rabbis approached the chairman of the RCE, Rabbi Menachem Margolin, and the RCE vice president Rabbi Yosef Bainhaker, as well as the secretary of the European Council, Rabbi Avraham Abba Torezki, expressing their gratitude for presenting all the halachic questions concerning Rabbis from all over Europe.
The RCE CEO, Rabbi Arie Goldberg, noted in his concluding remarks that he was extremely satisfied with the enthusiastic responses from the forum participants. He added that this forum proved the importance of the interpersonal meetings of rabbis scattered around the world and described the contribution they make.