Jewish Cemeteries and Monuments
The Cemetery Division of the ‘Rabbinical Centre of Europe’ was established to rehabilitate, preserve, and document the cemeteries scattered throughout Europe.
Unfortunately, many cemeteries over the years have been destroyed, both because of age and antisemitic malicious desecration.
The RCE strives to provide a variety of actions in several areas for the preservation of the cemeteries.
Several years ago, the monumental project began by erecting memorials on mass graves and death pits of Holocaust victims. These areas contain the blood of our brothers and sisters crying out from the earth as they were murdered and buried alive in the dark depths of European forests.
This unique project requires much effort to retrieve the locations, as there are almost no remnants of the facts.
For this purpose, the RCE chose a professional team of researchers and historians. They work tirelessly to collect evidence by field testing with advanced equipment. After locating those places, it is possible to commemorate the memory of our people forever.
At the same time, by utilizing diplomatic ties with governments, we obtained licenses and permits for the erection of monuments and memorials to commemorate the memory of those victims.
Approximately 20 monuments and memorial sites stand erect with the inauguration and unveiling ceremonies with local Jews and government leaders gathered. The cities are managed and maintained regularly throughout the year.
We struggle in a war against time to collect historical evidence and documentation of other places, trying to complete and preserve the memory of our people.
The project implementation collaborates with the” Ohalei Tzaddikim” organization, led by Rabbi Yisrael Meir Gabay, who massively contributes to the success of this meaningful project.
We raise our hands in prayer to the Almighty that we discover all the locations our brethren lie. May Hashem revenge their blood.