RCE News

2 Sivan 5775, 2 Sivan 5775, 20 May 2015

A Delegation of of the Rabbinical Centre of Europe Toured Jewish Communities in Italy

5 Nisan 5775, 5 Nisan 5775, 25 March 2015

A Jewish Medal Is Rewarded to a Muslim Who Initiated the “Human Ring of Peace” in Copenhagen

6 Adar 5775, 6 Adar 5775, 25 February 2015

Dozens of European Rabbis participated in a conference on Shabbos, Family and Community In Prague, Czech Republic

5 Adar 5775, 5 Adar 5775, 24 February 2015

European Rabbis Practice Self-Defence and Assisting Victims of Terror

28 Tevet 5775, 28 Tevet 5775, 19 January 2015

RCE Initiative: International Hotline for Handling Emergency Situations

17 Tevet 5775, 17 Tevet 5775, 8 January 2015

Impressions from the Course on Chuppah V’kiddushin

“After all, a rabbi can’t be always giving to others. He needs to take some time to recharge his own batteries as well.”

3 Tevet 5775, 3 Tevet 5775, 25 December 2014

Belgium’s Minister for Animal Welfare Confirmed Today that He Will Not Ban Shechitah

18 Kislev 5775, 18 Kislev 5775, 10 December 2014

The Constitutional Tribunal of Poland Overturned the Parliament’s Ban on Kosher Shechitah in the Country

19 Heshvan 5775, 19 Heshvan 5775, 12 November 2014

Moslem Youths Attempt to Run Over Holland’s Chief Rabbi

8 Tishri 5775, 8 Tishri 5775, 2 October 2014

Halachah Hotline Established for European Community Rabbis

We are pleased to announce that an RCE Halachah Hotline has been established, enabling rabbis to forward queries on any area of halachah to the esteemed members of the RCE’s rabbinical council. These council members have volunteered to make themselves available for the sake of the European communities.

22 Tammuz 5774, 22 Tammuz 5774, 20 July 2014

Chief Rabbi of the Netherlands’ Home Pelted with Stones for the Second Time in a Week

17 Tammuz 5774, 17 Tammuz 5774, 15 July 2014

European Commissioner for Education calls for schools to study racism an hour per month to fight antisemitism