RCE News

29 Sivan 5776, 29 Sivan 5776, 5 July 2016

The Young Rabbinical Forum Assembly in Krakow presents Child Education, Lecturing, and Proofreading Sta”m

24 Sivan 5776, 24 Sivan 5776, 30 June 2016

Young Spirit In Slovakia

29 Iyyar 5776, 29 Iyyar 5776, 6 June 2016

Conference of European Dayanim in Brussels

11 Iyyar 5776, 11 Iyyar 5776, 19 May 2016

Inspecting Mikva’os in Ukraine

4 Nisan 5776, 4 Nisan 5776, 12 April 2016

Online Sale of Chametz!

The RCE made forms available to the rabbis for selling chametz through its offices. The forms are in both Hebrew and English.

24 Adar I 5776, 24 Adar I 5776, 4 March 2016

Berlin: An Evening of Appreciation for the European Rabbis, with the Participation of EU Ambassadors

BERLIN: Ambassadors participate in honorary banquet For European Rabbis

European Rabbis at an Emotional Ceremony at Platform 17

A contingent of reporters from Germany and from a number of European media outlets arrived to cover the event. Afterward they interviewed the rabbis and asked them to share their impressions of the experience.

European Rabbis at Brandenburg Gate

The rabbis, dressed in traditional rabbinical garb, stood in a large semicircle in front of the Gate, facing a delegation of Jewish youngsters, aged 12 and 13, all of whom wore yarmulkes on their heads and had tzitzit showing from under their shirts

23 Adar I 5776, 23 Adar I 5776, 3 March 2016

The Annual Conference of RCE in Berlin

Close to 120 rabbis from all over Europe gathered in Berlin, Germany, for the annual conference of the Rabbinical Centre of Europe.

22 Adar I 5776, 22 Adar I 5776, 2 March 2016

A First: President of the Bundestag Addresses the RCE Conference

5 Adar I 5776, 5 Adar I 5776, 14 February 2016

Morasha Organization Initiative, with the Participation of the RCE and the Western Wall Heritage Foundation