French Wine Revolution

The title “French wine” has always been associated with superior quality and incomparable taste. Recently it has become an indication of the standard of kashrus in a significant proportion of the wineries operating in France. This is due to the stringent supervision of the Paris Beis Din (Jewish Court), which is now in control through its improved supervision infastructure of large areas of wineries and vineyards, under the full jurisdiction of Rabbi Yirmiyah Kohen, Head of Paris Beis Din, and Head of the Divorce Dept. at the Centre, andtheRabbinical Committee member.

During the harvest season no less that 50 supervisors (Mashgichim), G-d-fearing young men, spread out over wineries throughout France under the strict supervision of the Paris Beth Din, and scrutinized the wine production to ensure the highest standard of kashrus.

The Paris Beis Dinwas committed to enrol and train a large staff, despite the difficulty – since this year the grape harvest began in the busy period between Yom Kippur and Succot. The majority of the wineries manufacturing strictly kosher wine are located in Bordeaux and in the vine districts of the South of France.

It appears that famous Rabbis and international kashrus networks rely on the stringent supervision of the Paris Beis Din, as large quantities of wine are sent to Kedem Wine Co. – under supervision of Paris Beis Din.

‘Sechach’ from Vine Leaves

It was very interesting to see how the Mashgichim coped with the need for a Succah. Dozens of Succahs were set up next to the wineries, the large plates used to spread out the grapes served as walls, as their size suited the Halachah, whereas the Sechach was made from vine leaves, as derived from the versicle, “when you harvest from your granary and your wine-press”.

Rabbi Kohen invests much effort in training his Mashgichim in Paris. Recently Rabbi Kohen invited Rabbi Shlomo Horowitz, an expert on kashering ovens and other equipment, to speak to the Mashgichim. With the aid of a video, Rabbi Horowitz spent three hours on a comprehensive lecture on the topic of kashering, attended by about one hundred people..

In addition, two courses on Shechita were initiated by Rabbi Kohen, designed to increase the awareness of the necessity for Nikur (removing certain sinews). It is noteworthy that the Paris Beis Din has increased its activities in recent years, and now has jurisdiction over 60 butcher shops, 180 restaurants and 50 catering services – all under the highest standard of kashrus.