As part of its ongoing commitment, the RCE recently held a comprehensive and exceptional course on the laws of the Jewish household for dozens of community rabbis from across Europe. The seminar, held in Paris, France, included lectures by, Dayonim, Poskim, and rabbis who expertly and clearly conveyed the laws to the attending rabbis, enabling them to instruct on the matters of halacha.

The seminars, as mentioned, were held in Paris, France, and were led by the esteemed Rabbi Gideon Ben Moshe, head of the Beit Hora’ah Kollel and head of the rabbinical court in monetary matters in Jerusalem. Over many long hours and days, he significantly contributed to the success of the seminars and the clear and focused transmission of the teachings.

Rabbis and dayonim played a central role in the seminars, delivering comprehensive lectures on the laws of the Jewish household. Among those who delivered clear and engaging lectures were Rabbi Yitzchak Guggenheim, Chief Rabbi of Paris and member of the Rabbinical council, alongside Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Kahn – Dayan,member of the Lubavitch Rabbinical Court in Paris, and the Rabbinical council.

Other participants included Rabbi Shimon Sharvit, dayan of Créteil, and Rabbi Shmuel Shlomo Toubali, head of the “Beit Chanan” Kollel in Paris and member of the Rabbinical Council, who delivered extensive lectures on the detailed and precise laws of the Jewish household.

The medical and professional aspects were overseen by Dr. Gil Pomp, a renowned expert in the field. Over fifty community rabbis from across Europe attended the comprehensive course and left equipped with practical tools to make halachic rulings on these complex issues.

The RCE praised Rabbi Shmuel Houri, Rabbi of the Tunisian community in Paris and representative of the RCE, for his significant efforts and resources dedicated to the success of the seminar and the welfare of the participating rabbis.

The rabbis expressed their heartfelt gratitude to the management of the RCE, which regularly organizes seminars throughout the year to ensure rabbis receive comprehensive training on complex halachic issues.